© 2025 — Factor Quality Inc.

Simplicity is our thing…

We, at Factor Quality, value simple solutions. You’ve heard/seen us state it OVER AND OVER. But we do not want you to think that simplicity means easy or insufficient.

We believe simple solutions are those that aren’t difficult to understand or do, those that make sense to your business. Check out our simple quality basics series blog. You might enjoy the simple yet effective explanations of quality topics that any quality manager should know.

“…those that aren’t difficult to understand or do, those that make sense to your business.”

We are left wondering, how is it that simplicity got a bad rep? Why is it that we think that the more complex is probably better? Or do we (people) make things more complicated but we do not notice?

We have heard people call our work simple before and we did not take offense. If we must respond to it, we always respond with the following question: Is complexity and difficulty a requirement of any QMS? If not, then let the business create their QMS as needed. Complex items will intrinsically have more issues, be less popular and will not be sustainable throughout time.

A simple approach with time will become more complex because of the  changes in the industry, risk management, corrective actions, lessons learned, customer feedback, etcetera.

Let us help you get your QMS running in a simple yet effective manner….

Check out our YouTube Video that shows FQ's 3 simple yet effective consulting programs to get you ISO ready...

If you'd like to know how much it would cost to get you ISO ready fill out the form below...