Risk-Based Thinking explained simply | Risk in ISO 9001
Risk is something every businessperson experiences and understands but rarely spends time thinking about it. There are risks in all our activities but have you thought about what risks you...
Risk is something every businessperson experiences and understands but rarely spends time thinking about it. There are risks in all our activities but have you thought about what risks you...
This time we have chosen to deconstruct 2 very intricate but crucial quality concepts at once. Two (2) birds – One (1) stone style. Many will say that talking about...
If I say “process” which definition comes to mind? – A document that needs to be in certain format and tells you what...
"One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.” ~ Rear Admiral Grace Hopper When developing a Quality Management System, companies often struggle with the calibration requirement and the expectations...
Do I need Document Control? In my years of performing third party Quality Management System (QMS) audits, gap assessments and internal audits, one of the most common questions about document...
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