The IAQG (the International Aerospace Quality Group) created criteria to follow by any organization that has set a quality management system. The organization should be in the aviation, space or defense industry. The idea is to meet requirements that have been proven or tested to help a business ensure their supply chain is reliable.
It is centered around the ISO 9001 seven (7) quality management principles such as: Process-based approach, Leadership involvement, People engagement, Risk Based thinking, PDCA model, continuous improvement, & Customer Focus. AS 9100 rev D, includes all ISO 9001 criteria but has added other requirements to meet the aerospace industry standards.
When you achieve AS 9100 certification, your certification body (CB, also known as registrar) will provide your organization a 3 year certificate. You’ll be added to the OASIS database along other certified providers. The registrar will perform annual audits to ensure you are still in compliance. In the business world, AS 9100 certification shows reliability. Many large businesses (aka primes) only use AS 9100 certified suppliers.
Let our experts create a simple, yet effective systems for your organization. We have helped create & maintain more than eighty (80) successful AS 9100 management systems.
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Get a quality guru to come to your site and help you set / re-set your Quality management system (QMS).
Get a quality guru to help you maintain your quality management system
Get a quality guru to come audit your system. They will provide objective insight to continuously improve your management system.
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